Some IPTV providers do not offer support with Kodi and PVR IPTV simple client add-on or the stream stopped working at some point. This guide is going to show how to solve problems when the following line appear in kodi.log:
This caused because the PVR IPTV simple client opens the stream twice and the second attempt is blocked. The reason the add-on opens it twice is because in the first attempt it tries to determine the mime type [4]
The solution is to predefine the Mime type of the stream in the m3u file. Open the m3u file with a text editor (e.g. notepad++).
The file will initially look like:
Add the mime type of the stream in a new before every link. The m3u should afterwards look like:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="" tvg-chno="001" group-title="test",test1
- Kodi 18.6 (Leia) – Windows x64 / LibreELEC 9.2.1 (Raspberry Pi)
- Kodi 19 (Matrix)- Windows x64